Happy PROs.Happy Company

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Happy Pros•Happy Company


“We provide a friendly working environment to our PROs.”

Cashing Pro is honored to receive the ‘Happy Company 2021’ award and become one of the happy companies in Hong Kong.

The “Happy Workplace” award aims to enhance the recognition of “Happy Workplace” by Hong Kong enterprises and institutions. To promote the joint efforts of all walks of life, to build a pleasant working environment and jointly improve the happiness level of Hong Kong people at work, and commends efforts to create a friendly workplace “Happy Workplace”. One of our values is to create a friendly working environment for our PROs and growth together.

Cashing Pro provided and developed corporate care to create a happy, harmonious and trustworthy working environment. We offer comprehensive benefits and different activities. We provided training, organized birthday parties, company dinners and other activities. Let our PROs communicated and team building.

Received the “Happy Workplace” award takes one step closer to our goal. We believe that it is part of our responsibility to make our PROs work in a happy environment.

#HappyCompanyAward #HappyCompany #HappyPROs #EmployeeFriendly #Cashing Pro