Members of Fintech Associate of Hong Kong (FTAHK)

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  5. Members of Fintech Associate of Hong Kong (FTAHK)


Members of Fintech Associate of Hong Kong (FTAHK)


“We strive for the best to help enhancing Hong Kong’s status as a Fintech hub”

As known as “International Financial Hub” in Asia, Hong Kong is one of the world’s leading financial centres, with over 600 FinTech companies and over 3,700 Start-ups developed businesses in Hong Kong.

Financial industry changed rapidly; market is highly competitive. As a financial services company, Cashing Pro became a member of the Fintech Association of Hogn Kong (FTAHK) last year. The FTAHK to be formed a group of board members and cooittee co-chairs who care about the future of FinTech in Hong Kong, Greater China and Asia. They care about the future development of Fintech in Hong Kong, Greater China and Asis, and support Hong Kong whom joined FTAHK because we strictly follow and embrace the values, advocacy, collaborate and educate of the FinTech Association in Hong Kong.

As s company that used high-tech big data lending system, Cashing Pro applied the latest technology to enhance services to customers. In additional, we implemented DRM data protection system. All documents and information encrypted to ensure that customers and company information will not be leaked.

Currently, we cooperate with different organisations and companies to achieve similar goals and complementary business models. Additionally, we provide internal and external training opportunities to our PROs, not only to educate them, but also help developing their careers. As a member of the FTAHK, we will continue our efforts to help enhancing Hong Kong’s status as a FinTech hub.